Unmatched Legal Marketing Experience is a Only a Phone Call Away
If you haven’t already reviewed my credentials, please do so here.
Since 1998, I have been involved in Search Engine Ranking Optimization, Internet Marketing, Copywriting and Website Design. It is my passion and over the nearly 20 years I have attained an enormous amount of experience, training and knowledge.
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Services Offered
Telephone Consultations (“Coaching”) – Have a lot of questions? Get the best value by booking a paid telephone Coaching Session with me. You can ask as many questions as you want during the 30-minute call. This is a very easy and very valuable process for you.
Please read this and simply follow the directions.
1. I offer “Telephone Coaching Sessions” in 30-minute increments.
2. Each call is recorded and you will receive a copy of the call at no charge.
3. This way you can focus on the call, ask unlimited questions and not worry about
not worry about taking notes.
4. My Rate is Based on Supply and Demand. One idea you learn could net you 10s of
1,000s of dollars or more in additional income for you.
5. My Current Rate is $250 for 30-minutes. Email Coaching is $150 (see below)
The Process is simple. No refunds for not following the process below.
1. Login to your PayPal account and update your contact information (Name,
Telephone Number, and Email Address.)
2. Your Money is Safe – PayPal will refund your money if you ask them to. You risk
nothing. However, to ask for a refund after receiving your Telephone Coaching
Session is fraud. All calls are recorded for quality assurance.
3. Simply send a PayPal payment of $250 to [email protected].
4. A payment notification email will be sent to the email associated with your PayPal
account. Plus you will receive a toll-free customer support telephone number
and email if you have any custom services issues or questions.
5. We will schedule the date and time that both convenient for you and available for
6. Cancellations – I will never cancel my appointment with you. I do allow clients to
cancel appointments and reschedule appointments but only if you email me a
cancellation within 72 hours of our agreed upon appointed time. No exceptions.
7. Please Be on Time for the Call. If you are late, you have lost that time or portion
of your 30-minute Telephone Coaching Session.. I cannot push my next
appointments back.
8. 30-minute begins at the agreed upon date and time (your time zone) and
ends after 30-minutes (your time zone).
9. Telephone Coaching Sessions are conducted by your choice of Conference Call,
Skype or WhatsApp. Only audio calls on Skype or WhatsApp – no video.
10. We reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. There are a
lot of unscrupulous and crazy people out there.
11. You accept that the advice I am giving you is “my opinion” and not fact and that
you should seek a second opinion before initiating any advice that I give you. I offer any warranty of my services and you accept to limit your claim for damages to the
amount of $150 in total.
Email Consultations (“Email Coaching”) – Do you have one specific problem that you need help with? Unlike the Telephone Coaching that allows for unlimited questions during the 30-mintues, my Email Coaching service is limited to one specific issue that you are having. No exceptions. This is a very easy and very valuable process for you.
Please read this and simply follow the directions.
1. I offer “Email Coaching Sessions” in 30-minute increments.
2. My Rate is Based on Supply and Demand. One idea you learn can net you 10s of
1,000s of dollars or more in additional income for you.
3. My Current Rate is $150 for this service.
6. The Process is Simple.
1. Login to your PayPal account and update your contact information (Name,
Telephone Number, and Email Address.)
2. Your Money is Safe – PayPal will refund your money if you ask them to. You risk
nothing. However, to ask for a refund after receiving your Coaching Session is
fraud. All calls are recorded for quality assurance.
3. Simply send a PayPal payment of $150 to [email protected].
4. A payment notification email will be sent to the email associated with your PayPal
account with a link to a temporary Web Form where you can submit your one
question with 600-words of background details and your contact information.
5. You will receive a customer support phone and email for customer service only.
The Process is simple. No refunds for not following the process below.
1. One topic With One Question only. For example, “How can I rank in the top 3
on Google Maps?”
2. Your email will be limited to 600-words to provide me with additional
background information.
3. Any resubmission of the Web Form will not be read or accepted.
4. We reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. There are a
lot of unscrupulous and crazy people out there.
5. No refunds if you do not follow the directions or if you are trying to “get something
for free.”
6. You accept that the advice I am giving you is “my opinion” and not fact and that you
should seek a second opinion before initiating any advice that I give you. I offer no
warrantees of my services and you accept to limit your claim for damages to the
amount of $150 in total.
Online marketing audits, legal marketing coaching, Law firm internet marketing, legal website traffic conversion, legal lead generation, search engine optimization, sales coaching & training, legal content writing, & video production.